An illustrated depiction of a Change Positive social network, featuring numerous interconnected individuals represented as nodes, with lines indicating connections between them. The image suggests a complex web of relationships and interactions within the network.

Transform Your Organization with Constructive Feedback

Empower everyone within your organization to give and receive feedback in a powerful way.

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Improving Feedback and Performance throughout the Organization

We all share basic human drivers including competence—wanting to be good at what we do; significance—making a difference; belonging—being connected to others; and autonomy—having a sense of control over our lives. When these are in place, we thrive and are engaged. When lacking, we languish. Feedback and connection are integral to these basic human drivers.

Common advice is that each employee should "own their own development." However, until now, the tools for doing so have been lacking. Providing those tools and ensuring all staff understand and leverage constructive feedback is key to helping this mindset and method catch fire, ultimately driving the shift toward an open and productive feedback culture. Provide all staff with tools to build their own group of allies; a social network of support for each employee's development and watch how employee engagement grows.

Shift Positive Empowered

Shift Positive Empowered is a technology platform that allows every employee the opportunity to create their own social network of support and professional development within the organization.

We've developed an AI tool built around the Shift Positive® concepts which instructs participants in providing constructive, solution-focused and strengths-based feedback. Our tool makes it easier for participants to garner and give effective feedback and teaches participants as they interact with the platform.

It is a coach-less process whereby a staff person:

  • Identifies their own network of allies from whom to solicit feedback
  • Utilizes the Shift Positive Empowered platform to guide them through the survey process
  • Surveys those allies to elicit feedback on strengths, professional development and further, to identify how they can support the participant going forward—a commitment of allyship
  • Using artificial intelligence, Shift Positive Empowered not only helps allies complete the survey, but teaches them how to develop and provide constructive feedback based on the Shift Positive concepts
  • Produces an individualized 360 report which is not confidential or anonymous, providing the necessary context delivered in a strengths and solution-focused way
  • Allows for the creation of a focused development plan which leverages strengths and allies for professional development
  • Includes a self-directed Shift Progress Survey to be conducted 90+ days after the Shift Positive Empowered process to identify progress and perceived change, level of support by allies, future growth, and the resulting impact on business results (ROI)

Shift Positive Empowered provides the tools for each employee to "own their own development" and use their social network for good. As more and more social networks of positive professional development take hold in the organization, employee engagement rises and organizational performance climbs.

By engaging their network of allies, employees cultivate an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and continuous improvement.

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In just a 2-hour session, employees walked away with an 'ah-ha' moment. Shift Positive has taught us to constantly ask ourselves to 'visualize what success looks like' in our daily interactions, and that's helped steer conversations in a more productive manner.

Jeryn Blossom, Director of Employee Services

Shift Positive Keynote

An illustration depicting a person standing, delivering a keynote speech in front of an audience. The individual appears confident and engaged, while the audience members listen attentively, suggesting a dynamic and impactful presentation.

The Shift Positive® keynote is a foundational and inspiring session that helps all staff understand how to change the feedback experience by leveraging Positive Psychology and Social Support.

Introduce a new feedback mindset and behaviors through this interactive 1.5 hour workshop that includes:

  • The distinction of a positive psychology mindset
  • The concepts and science behind the Shift Positive® method (strengths, solution-focused, allyship)
  • Interactive exercises to practice shifting from problem-focused to solution-focused feedback, creating a more productive & energizing feedback experience
  • Human systems and why systems of support are key to creating successful, sustainable change

Elevate your organization's feedback culture with Shift Positive Keynote and see results:

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: When employees feel heard, valued, and empowered to contribute to solutions, their commitment and enthusiasm for their work naturally increases.
  • Improved Team Collaboration: Shift Positive Keynote equips individuals with the tools to communicate more effectively and collaboratively with others. The emphasis on constructive and energizing feedback helps build stronger teams to work together to achieve common goals.
  • Positive Organizational Change: Embracing a Shift Positive mindset at the organizational level can lead to positive change across various aspects of your company. It can drive innovation, strengthen leadership, and create a culture that attracts and retains top talent, ultimately enhancing your organization's long-term success.

Make the shift to a brighter future today with Shift Positive Keynote.

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Positive Shifts Start with a Conversation

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you or your organization.